Projets en vedette

Découvrez mes derniers travaux et projets personnels. Chaque projet représente ma passion pour la création d'applications web innovantes et conviviales.

Fifty-one Enghien

Fifty-one Enghien

Website for the fifty-one club Enghien. Made for my graduation project

Symfony , javascript , MySQL,CSS,Sass
Bosmans tyres

Bosmans tyres

My first solo project for a tyres garage

NextJS , bilingual, tailwindCSS


I worked with a team on this website during my business internship , made in drupal

Drupal , bootstrap , CSS
Rent a Book

Rent a Book

The current business i work for , working now on upgrading it to the last version of prestashop and rewxorking the design aswell

Prestashop, php , CSS , javascript